Areas of Practice

Hay Fever - Allergic Rhinitis & Conjunctivitis

Hay fever is nothing to be sneezed at! Severe symptoms can significantly impair quality of life and enjoyment. Specialist testing & diagnosis can lead to significantly improved symptoms. We offer experienced testing and interventions - including Allergen-specific immunotherapy (injections and tablets) addressing your specific allergic triggers.

Food Allergy

Symptoms associated with specific foods - and concerns around uncertain risks can stop interfere with activities you enjoy. We can offer specific testing and targeted advice on how to manage food allergy symptoms and risks. Our specialists have particular experience in anaphylaxis treatments and management plans.

Stinging Insect Allergy - Honey Bee, Wasp & Ant

Stinging Insects such as Honey Bees, Wasps & Ants can - in certain people - cause severe allergic reactions. If significant reactions have been experienced, these should be fully assessed, and consideration given to highly effective treatment with specific-allergen immunotherapy. This is near perfectly effective at preventing anaphylaxis

Recurrent Hives & Swellings - Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria & Angioedema

Recurrent hives and swelling can be allergic - but also could be due to overactivity of the immune system. These symptoms can be debilitating and significantly impair quality of life. Chronic Spontaneous Urticaria (CSU) is now very treatable with PBS-funded specialist medication.

Medication & Vaccine Reactions

Suspected reactions to medications and vaccines can mean people cannot access the ideal treatments when they need them. Careful evaluation of prior reactions can mean appropriate alternatives can be found - and safe options can then be available for use.

Allergic Asthma

Asthma commonly has an underlying allergic basis. Specific treatment of the correct allergy can mean symptoms can be significantly relieved, and preventer medications can be reduced.

Even the most severe asthma now has options of modern PBS-funded therapies that can make a real difference.

Chronic Sinusitis & Nasal Polyps

Underlying and untreated allergy can be a major contribution to chronic sinusitis. Appropriate testing and treatment often is what is needed, even for very long-standing symptoms.

New nasal polyp treatments are also available in selected patients